Courses available

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The course programs developed by our teachers have been put together using methods that are frequently tested in various schools and institutes. Online study with professional teachers via Skype in no way compromises – and sometimes even exceeds – the quality of traditional courses, and at the same time allows you to study without leaving the house or spending time traveling to a lesson, and allows you to set your own schedule.

1. General Course

Общий курс иностранных языков

The general course is created for students who want to study a foreign language from the very beginning or who want to continue their studies with an aim to reaching a certain level (in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). During these classes you will work on all aspects of language acquisition: speaking, reading, writing, listening, and grammar.

2. Conversation Course

Разговорный курс

The main goal of the conversation course, which is designed for students of all levels of language proficiency, is linguistic immersion. Your teacher will focus mainly on speaking and listening, however these classes will include some grammar and reading as well. The course plan incorporates both everyday situations and more formal modes of communication. Specialized materials for the development of speaking skills are employed.

3. Foreign Languages for Tourists

Иностранный язык для туристов

A course specially created for students who travel often and want a command of the language at the conversational level. The course includes such everyday situations as: communicating in the city, shopping, in a hotel, making acquaintances, etc. Specialized methods for developing speaking skills in real-life situations are used.

4. Business Course


If you have already reached a language proficiency level of A2, then you can register for a business language course. The main aim of this course is to familiarize the student with business vocabulary and communication, meanwhile incorporating an important grammatical component. Attending a business course will allow you to: describe a firm or company, write a resume and apply for a job, analyze and compose an advertisement, discuss prices and products, etc. During the course of these classes, specially-designed materials are used.

5. Preparation for International Exams

Подготовка к международным экзаменам

It is no secret that in the modern world it is very important to have certification of foreign language skills: without these it is difficult to find work, to complete an internship or studies abroad, etc. It is with this in mind that our school offers preparation courses for international certification in the main European languages:

  • ZD, ZMP, ZOP
  • DELE
  • CILS
  • Certyfikat z Języka Polskiego jako Obcego
  • Türkçe A1 – С1
  • HSK

Materials designed specially for preparation of these exams are used.

6. Foreign Languages for Kids

Иностранный язык для детей

If you want your child to simultaneously learn a language with a native speaker and widen their horizons, lessons with Language Life are a wonderful opportunity to put this plan into action. Every language course plan is individually created for the child and is based on the proficiency of the child, as well as on his or her age. Songs, videos, games, and materials designed specially for child language learners are used in these lessons.

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