

Languages spoken

- Italian (native speaker)
- Russian
- English
- French
- Spanish
- German


- Faculty of Foreign Languages and Culture (Honours), University of Padua (
- Department of Foreign Languages, Liceo Classico Antonio Canova (

Work Experience

Lara is a professional educator with a passion for her work. She has extensive practical experience as an educator in various countries. Her fluency in foreign languages is an advantage to her in her work. From 2011, Lara has worked with the Linguistic Academy ( teaching Italian to both individuals and groups. Lara has experience working in various sectors, including the tourism industry, interpretation and translation, and web-marketing. This experience has enabled her to offer quality, customized courses in Italian. Lara is interested in the Russian language and culture, and hosts a blog devoted to the theme of Russia: Lara speaks Russian fluently and is always happy to meet new Russian students!

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